As of 5:00 this morning, Nine has been here for one whole month. He has come a long way! He came to us wild, untouched, untrusting. Now he follows me around the pen, can be touched all over his body, and trusts me enough to put big, scary, noisy mystery saddles on his back! And when that scary saddle attacks him, he looks to me for help. What an amazing feeling, knowing that something so graceful and prestigious as a wild horse has put its life and trust in your hands. I strongly recommend it. Now, for some pictures! Naturally, the only pictures I have of Nine are either on my phone, or only from the first day of arrival. So, I present to you, Nine exactly one month ago!

Christina, Nine is a handsome guy! I love your corral too!
By the way, I also had a quick moment of feeling bad when I read about some people riding their mustangs all over the place - but it didn't last long. I am also going at a slow pace. This will be my first start to almost finish horse. I have had horses my whole life, but no experience like this, and I am loving every minute of it!
Good luck, have fun, and I will keep checking back!
Karen C.
Hello fellow Arizonian! Thought we'd see whatcha all were doing. Looks real good!
Thanks for leaving comments, Karen and Mikey! Karen, this is also my first start to almost-finish horse. I have broken donkeys to ride, but never well. And I have improved and added to training in a few horses. But never anything like this!
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